英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-03 21:11:06

pine tree

英 [pain tri:]

美 [paɪn tri]


  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. a coniferous tree

Synonym: pinetrue pine

1. 松树:请问那里有卖松树(pine tree)用于christmas和净化空气请问那里有卖松树(pine tree)用于christmas和净化空气

2. 望情树:喔!亲爱的 _ Falling in love | 望情树 _ Pine Tree | 麻痹 _ Paralysis

3. 松:有possess | 松pine tree | 架erect

4. pine tree的意思

4. 松树式天线阵,水平偶极子天线阵:pine pole 松木(电)杆 | pine tree 松树式天线阵,水平偶极子天线阵 | pineapple 手榴弹

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Added new Columnar Pine tree!(增加了新的柱状松树!)
I saw a pine tree, and before I reached the tree, something occurred to me.(我看见一颗松树,没等我走近它,我便想起了什么。)
Added new Young Columnar Pine tree!(增加了新的年轻的柱状松树!)
71% could not identify a pine tree.(71%的人认不出松树。)
Pine tree like school guard, stand where, appear more strong.(棵松柏像学校的护卫,挺立在哪里,显得更加强壮。)
An orange moon rose behind the pine tree.(橘黄色的月亮从松树后面升起。)
Pine tree by the side of the road full of crystal sawdust, shine.(路旁的松树上挂满了了“水晶屑末”,发出耀眼的光芒。)
But a pagoda works nothing like a pine tree.(但宝塔绝非如松树般建造。)
Now imagine a pine tree with all those little densely packed needles.(现在(大家)想象一棵布满了密密麻麻的小针叶的松树。)
When spring came, a pine tree saw a red rose nearby and said, "What a beautiful flower! I wish I were that lovely."(当春天到来时,一棵松树看到附近有一朵红玫瑰,说:“好漂亮的花啊!我希望我也能那么好看。”)
pine tree是什么意思 pine tree在线翻译 pine tree什么意思 pine tree的意思 pine tree的翻译 pine tree的解释 pine tree的发音 pine tree的同义词